17. Avcıbaşı, U., Ünak, T., Yıldırım, Y. Radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretli fenolftalein-glukuonid’in rat’lar üzerindeki biyodağılım çalışmaları, 19. Ulusal Kimya Kongesi, 30 Eylül-04 Ekim 2005, Kuşadası

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17. Avcıbaşı, U., Ünak, T., Yıldırım, Y. Radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretli fenolftalein-glukuonid’in rat’lar üzerindeki biyodağılım çalışmaları, 19. Ulusal Kimya Kongesi, 30 Eylül-04 Ekim 2005, Kuşadası Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI 19. Ulusal Kimya Kongesi,Kuşadası

Ünak, T., Avcibasi, U., Yildirim, Y. A radioanalytical technique for measurement of glucuronidase activities, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2005; 266(3):503-506.

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Ünak, T., Avcibasi, U., Yildirim, Y. A radioanalytical technique for measurement of glucuronidase activities, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2005; 266(3):503-506. Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear

15. Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U. Study of the zinc effect on the β-glucuronidase levels of some tissue samples using a nuclear technique, Advanced in Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC 6), 29 August-3 September 2004, Aachen, Germany.

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15. Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U. Study of the zinc effect on the β-glucuronidase levels of some tissue samples using a nuclear technique, Advanced in Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC 6), 29 August-3 September 2004, Aachen, Germany. Prof. Dr. Uğur … Continued

16. Ünak, T., Duman, Y., Avcibasi, U., Yildirim, Y. Study of the radiopharmaceutical potential of radioiodinated phenolphthalein, Advanced in Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC 6), 29 August-3 September 2004, Aachen, Germany.

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16. Ünak, T., Duman, Y., Avcibasi, U., Yildirim, Y. Study of the radiopharmaceutical potential of radioiodinated phenolphthalein, Advanced in Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC 6), 29 August-3 September 2004, Aachen, Germany. Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI Aachen, Germany.

18. Yıldırım, Y., Avcıbaşı, U., Çal, Ç., Ünak, T., Duman, Y., Delibaş, M. Diet çinko konsantrasyonunun rat prostatı üzerindeki etkileri, 18. Ulusal Üroloji Kongresi, 2-7 Ekim 2004, Antalya

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18. Yıldırım, Y., Avcıbaşı, U., Çal, Ç., Ünak, T., Duman, Y., Delibaş, M. Diet çinko konsantrasyonunun rat prostatı üzerindeki etkileri, 18. Ulusal Üroloji Kongresi, 2-7 Ekim 2004, Antalya Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI 18. Ulusal Üroloji Kongresi, Antalya

17. Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Duman, Y. Preliminary test of the radiopharmaceutical potential of radiolabeled aspirin with iodine-131, International Youth Nuclear Congress 2004, 9-14 May 2004, Toronto, Canada.

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17. Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Duman, Y. Preliminary test of the radiopharmaceutical potential of radiolabeled aspirin with iodine-131, International Youth Nuclear Congress 2004, 9-14 May 2004, Toronto, Canada. Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI International Youth Nuclear Congress 2004, 9-14 … Continued

Test of the biological activities of some glucuronide conjugates rediolabeled with redioactive iodine-131 and investigation of their potantials using in β-glucuronidase measurements Radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretli bazı glukuronid türevi bileşiklerin biyolojik aktivitlerinin test edilmesi ve β-glukuronidaz ölçümlerinde kullanım potansiyellerinin incelenmesi

posted in: Theses | 0

Test of the biological activities of some glucuronide conjugates rediolabeled with redioactive iodine-131 and investigation of their potantials using in β-glucuronidase measurements Radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretli bazı glukuronid türevi bileşiklerin biyolojik aktivitlerinin test edilmesi ve β-glukuronidaz ölçümlerinde kullanım potansiyellerinin incelenmesi … Continued

Ünak, T., Akgün, Z., Duman, Y., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Çetinkaya, B. Radioiodination and preliminary biological tests of aniline-mustard and its glucuronide conjugate as a potential anticancer prodrug, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2003; 256(3):529-534.

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Ünak, T., Akgün, Z., Duman, Y., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Çetinkaya, B. Radioiodination and preliminary biological tests of aniline-mustard and its glucuronide conjugate as a potential anticancer prodrug, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2003; 256(3):529-534. Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI … Continued

Ünak, T., Avcibasi, U., Yildirim, Y., Çetinkaya, B. Attempts to develop a new nuclear measurement technique of -glucuronidase levels in biological samples, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2003; 53:797-A802

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Ünak, T., Avcibasi, U., Yildirim, Y., Çetinkaya, B. Attempts to develop a new nuclear measurement technique of -glucuronidase levels in biological samples, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2003; 53:797-A802 Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI Czechoslovak Journal of Physics