10. Ünak, T., Çal, Ç., Avcibasi, U., Yildirim, Y., Ünak, G. Isotopic dilution analysis of zinc in some urogenital tissue samples of rats using 65Zn, 2nd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (2nd-INCC), 13-18 April 2008, Mexico (Cancun).

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10. Ünak, T., Çal, Ç., Avcibasi, U., Yildirim, Y., Ünak, G. Isotopic dilution analysis of zinc in some urogenital tissue samples of rats using 65Zn, 2nd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (2nd-INCC), 13-18 April 2008, Mexico (Cancun). Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI … Continued

Avcibasi, U., Avcibasi, N., Ünak, T., Ünak, P., Müftüler, F. Z., Yildirim, Y., Dinçalp, H., Gümüşer, F. G., Dursun, E. R. Metabolic comparison of radiolabeled aniline- and phenolphthaleins with 131I, Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2008; 35(4): 481-492.

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Avcibasi, U., Avcibasi, N., Ünak, T., Ünak, P., Müftüler, F. Z., Yildirim, Y., Dinçalp, H., Gümüşer, F. G., Dursun, E. R. Metabolic comparison of radiolabeled aniline- and phenolphthaleins with 131I, Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2008; 35(4): 481-492. Prof. Dr. Uğur … Continued

11. Avcibasi, U., Avcibasi, N., Ünak, T., Ünak, P., Müftüler, F. Z., Yildirim, Y., Gümüşer, F. G., Bilgin, E. S. Test of the radiopharmaceutical potentials of aniline- and phenol-phthaleins radiolabeled with 131I, 2nd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (2nd-INCC), 13-18 April 2008, Mexico (Cancun).

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11. Avcibasi, U., Avcibasi, N., Ünak, T., Ünak, P., Müftüler, F. Z., Yildirim, Y., Gümüşer, F. G., Bilgin, E. S. Test of the radiopharmaceutical potentials of aniline- and phenol-phthaleins radiolabeled with 131I, 2nd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (2nd-INCC), 13-18 April … Continued

Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Biber, Z., Duman, Y., Ünak, P. Comparison of the radiopharmaceutical potential of the radiolabeled dithizone with 131I and 99mTc, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2007; 273(3):767-770.

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Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Biber, Z., Duman, Y., Ünak, P. Comparison of the radiopharmaceutical potential of the radiolabeled dithizone with 131I and 99mTc, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2007; 273(3):767-770. Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI Journal of Radioanalytical … Continued

Avcibasi, U., Dinçalp, H., Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, N., Duman, Y., İçli, S. Preliminary tests of the radiopharmaceutical potential of N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-N`-(4pyridyl)-perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide radiolabeled with iodine-131, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2007; 273(3): 669-675.

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Avcibasi, U., Dinçalp, H., Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, N., Duman, Y., İçli, S. Preliminary tests of the radiopharmaceutical potential of N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-N`-(4pyridyl)-perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide radiolabeled with iodine-131, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2007; 273(3): 669-675. Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI Journal … Continued

16. Avcıbaşı, U., Dinçalp, H., Ünak, T., Yıldırım, Y., Avcıbaşı, N., Duman, Y., İçli, S. Bazı simetrik olmayan perilen diimid türevi bileşiklerin radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretlenmesi ve radyofarmasötik potansiyellerinin incelenmesi, 21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 23-27 Ağustos 2007, Malatya.

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16. Avcıbaşı, U., Dinçalp, H., Ünak, T., Yıldırım, Y., Avcıbaşı, N., Duman, Y., İçli, S. Bazı simetrik olmayan perilen diimid türevi bileşiklerin radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretlenmesi ve radyofarmasötik potansiyellerinin incelenmesi, 21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 23-27 Ağustos 2007, Malatya. Prof. Dr. … Continued

14. Avcibasi, U., Dincalp, H., Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, N., Duman, Y., Icli, S. Preliminary tests of the radiopharmaceutical potential of N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-N`-(4pyridyl)-perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide radiolabeled with iodine-131, 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey.

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14. Avcibasi, U., Dincalp, H., Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, N., Duman, Y., Icli, S. Preliminary tests of the radiopharmaceutical potential of N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-N`-(4pyridyl)-perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide radiolabeled with iodine-131, 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey. Prof. Dr. … Continued

13. Ünak, G., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Kilic, S., Konyali, D., Ünak, T. Study of the effect of uranium and thorium on the growing of pepper plant (Capsicum annuum var. Longum), 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey.

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13. Ünak, G., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Kilic, S., Konyali, D., Ünak, T. Study of the effect of uranium and thorium on the growing of pepper plant (Capsicum annuum var. Longum), 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, … Continued

12. Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Biber, Z., Duman, Y., Ünak, P. Comparison of the radiopharmaceutical potentials of radiolabeled dithizone with 131I and 99mTc, 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey.

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12. Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Biber, Z., Duman, Y., Ünak, P. Comparison of the radiopharmaceutical potentials of radiolabeled dithizone with 131I and 99mTc, 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey. Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI … Continued