Bilgisayarlı tomografide iteratif rekonstrüksiyon algoritmalarının görüntü kalitesi ve hasta dozu üzerindeki etkileri Effects of iterative reconstruction on image quality and patient dose in computed tomography

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Bilgisayarlı tomografide iteratif rekonstrüksiyon algoritmalarının görüntü kalitesi ve hasta dozu üzerindeki etkileri Effects of iterative reconstruction on image quality and patient dose in computed tomography Author: ELİF ECEM BELİVERMİŞ Supervisor: Dr. Türkay TOKLU Master Thesis YÖK Thesis Center Thesis No: … Continued

Patient-specific internal dosimetry with quantitative SPECT/CT in lutetium-177 PSMA treatment Lutesyum-177 PSMA tedavisinde kantitatif SPECT/CT ile hastaya özgü dozimetri

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Patient-specific internal dosimetry with quantitative SPECT/CT in lutetium-177 PSMA treatment Lutesyum-177 PSMA tedavisinde kantitatif SPECT/CT ile hastaya özgü dozimetri Author: GÜLÇİN ÇELİK Supervisor: Dr. Türkay TOKLU Master Thesis YÖK Thesis Center Thesis No: 618107 Subject: Physics and Physics Engineering, Radiology … Continued

Use of Monte Carlo techniques in external beam therapy of lung cancer Monte Carlo tekniklerinin akciğer kanserinin eksternal demet radyoterapisinde kullanımı

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Use of Monte Carlo techniques in external beam therapy of lung cancer Monte Carlo tekniklerinin akciğer kanserinin eksternal demet radyoterapisinde kullanımı Author: Dr. Türkay TOKLU Doctorate Thesis YÖK Thesis Center Thesis No: 438703 Subject: Physics and Physics Engineering

Patient Doses and Dosimetric Evaluations in Interventional Cardiology. Bor Doğan, Olğar Turan, Toklu Türkay, Çağlan Ayça, Önal Elif, Padovani Renato. Physica Medica 2009; 25(1): 31-42.

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Patient Doses and Dosimetric Evaluations in Interventional Cardiology. Bor Doğan, Olğar Turan, Toklu Türkay, Çağlan Ayça, Önal Elif, Padovani Renato. Physica Medica 2009; 25(1): 31-42. Dr. Türkay TOKLU Physica Medica click to read more