Radiopharmaceutical Model Using 99mTc-DMSA to Evaluate Amifosfin Protection Against Cisplatin Naphrotoxicity in Rats Yürekli Y., Ünak P. , Ertay T., Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Medine E. İ. , Acar Ç. Nükleer Tıp “PET” Sempozyumu, Ankara, Türkiye, 30 Nisan – 03 Mayıs 2005, ss.0-1

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Radiopharmaceutical Model Using 99mTc-DMSA to Evaluate Amifosfin Protection Against Cisplatin Naphrotoxicity in Rats Yürekli Y., Ünak P. , Ertay T., Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Medine E. İ. , Acar Ç. Nükleer Tıp “PET” Sempozyumu, Ankara, Türkiye, 30 Nisan – … Continued

Dilution Analysis Technique For Determanition of Iodine Concentrations of Drinking Water in Aegean Region of Turkey BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , YURT ONARAN F. , ÜNAK P. , DARCAN Ş. 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress, Aydın, Türkiye, 22 Mayıs 2005, ss.225

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Dilution Analysis Technique For Determanition of Iodine Concentrations of Drinking Water in Aegean Region of Turkey BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , YURT ONARAN F. , ÜNAK P. , DARCAN Ş. 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress, Aydın, Türkiye, 22 Mayıs 2005, … Continued

Isotopic Dilution Analysis Technique For Determanition Of Iodine Concentrations Of drinking Water In Aegean Region of Turkey Ünak P. , Yurt Onaran F. , Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Darcan S. 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress, Aydın, Türkiye, 22 – 29 Mayıs 2005, ss.0-1

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Isotopic Dilution Analysis Technique For Determanition Of Iodine Concentrations Of drinking Water In Aegean Region of Turkey Ünak P. , Yurt Onaran F. , Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Darcan S. 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress, Aydın, Türkiye, 22 – … Continued

Synthesis of a 99mTc Labeled estrogen derivative and the determination of ıts radiopharmaceutical potential on rats. Enginar H., Ünak P. , Yurt Onaran F., Biber Müftüler F. Z. Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry, cilt.260, ss.339-349, 2004 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

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Synthesis of a 99mTc Labeled estrogen derivative and the determination of ıts radiopharmaceutical potential on rats. Enginar H., Ünak P. , Yurt Onaran F., Biber Müftüler F. Z. Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry, cilt.260, ss.339-349, 2004 (SCI İndekslerine Giren … Continued

Labeling of Famotidine with 99mTc and Biodistribution Studies on Rats. Ünak P. , Yurt Onaran F., Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Medine E. İ. , Teksöz S. Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry, cilt.261, ss.587-591, 2004 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

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Labeling of Famotidine with 99mTc and Biodistribution Studies on Rats. Ünak P. , Yurt Onaran F., Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Medine E. İ. , Teksöz S. Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry, cilt.261, ss.587-591, 2004 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi) … Continued

Iodine determination in milk by isotope dilution analysis Unak P. , Lambrecht F. , Biber F. , Teksoz S. , Eriskin P., Kansu N. JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY, cilt.259, sa.2, ss.321-324, 2004 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

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Iodine determination in milk by isotope dilution analysis Unak P. , Lambrecht F. , Biber F. , Teksoz S. , Eriskin P., Kansu N. JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY, cilt.259, sa.2, ss.321-324, 2004 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi) Prof. Dr. … Continued