Soil gas radon concentrationsmeasurements in terms of great soil groups İÇHEDEFM.,SAÇM.M. ,CAMGÖZB.,BOLCAM.,HARMANŞAHC. JOURNALOF ENVIRONMENTALRADIOACTIVITY,vol.126,pp.165-171,2013 (Journal Indexed inSCI)

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Soil gas radon concentrationsmeasurements in terms of great soil groups İÇHEDEFM.,SAÇM.M. ,CAMGÖZB.,BOLCAM.,HARMANŞAHC. JOURNALOF ENVIRONMENTALRADIOACTIVITY,vol.126,pp.165-171,2013 (Journal Indexed inSCI) Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Coşkun HARMANŞAH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY click to read more

RadonMonitoring as the Earthquake Precursor in Fault Line inWestern Turkey SAÇM.M. ,HARMANŞAHC.,CAMGÖZB.,SozbilirH. EKOLOJI,vol.20,no.79,pp.93-98,2011 (Journal Indexed inSCI)

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RadonMonitoring as the Earthquake Precursor in Fault Line inWestern Turkey SAÇM.M. ,HARMANŞAHC.,CAMGÖZB.,SozbilirH. EKOLOJI,vol.20,no.79,pp.93-98,2011 (Journal Indexed inSCI) Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Coşkun HARMANŞAH EKOLOJI click to read more

Characterization and Calibration of Ion Implanted Silicon Detector for Alpha ParticlesMeasurement

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Characterization and Calibration of Ion Implanted Silicon Detector for Alpha ParticlesMeasurement ERDENERy.,MONEİMH.A. ,HARMANŞAHC.,SAÇM.M. ,BAYBURTM. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy,vol.5,pp.293-299,2010 (Refereed Journals ofOther Institutions) Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Coşkun HARMANŞAH e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy click to read more

Nükleer İz Dedektörlerinde Alfa İzlerininMatlab Ortamı Kul anılarak Belirlenmesi

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Nükleer İz Dedektörlerinde Alfa İzlerininMatlab Ortamı Kul anılarak Belirlenmesi KAHVECİO.,BAYBURTM.,SAÇM.M. ,HARMANŞAHC., İÇHEDEFM. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy,vol.4,pp.282-288,2009 (Refereed Journals ofOther Institutions) Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Coşkun HARMANŞAH e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy click to read more

Determination of Alpha Tracks in the Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors UsingMatlab Envıronment

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Determination of Alpha Tracks in the Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors UsingMatlab Envıronment ONURk.,BAYBURTM.,SAÇM.M. ,HARMANŞAHC., İÇHEDEFM. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy,vol.4,pp.282-288,2009 (Refereed Journals ofOther Institutions) Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Coşkun HARMANŞAH e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy click to read … Continued