Characterisation and luminescence studies of Tmand Na dopedmagnesiumborate phosphors

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Characterisation and luminescence studies of Tmand Na dopedmagnesiumborate phosphors EkdalE.,GarciaGuinea J.,KarabulutY.,CANIMOĞLUA.,HARMANŞAHC., JORGEA.,KARALIT.,CanN. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES,vol.103,pp.93-99,2015 (Journal Indexed inSCI) Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Coşkun HARMANŞAH APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES click to read more

Two year evolution of radon emission and tectonicmovements in Tuzla Fault, Seferihisar-Izmir

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Two year evolution of radon emission and tectonicmovements in Tuzla Fault, Seferihisar-Izmir İÇHEDEFM.,SAÇM.M. ,HARMANŞAHC.,TAŞKÖPRÜC. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, cilt.86, ss.102-108,2014 (SCI İndekslerineGirenDergi) Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Coşkun HARMANŞAH APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES click to read more