Synthesis of an estradiol glucuronide derivative and investigation of its radiopharmaceutical potential. Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Ünak P. , Ertay T., Medine E. İ. , Zihnioglu F., Tascı C., et al. Applied Radiation And Isotopes, cilt.64, ss.778-788, 2006 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

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Synthesis of an estradiol glucuronide derivative and investigation of its radiopharmaceutical potential. Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Ünak P. , Ertay T., Medine E. İ. , Zihnioglu F., Tascı C., et al. Applied Radiation And Isotopes, cilt.64, ss.778-788, 2006 (SCI … Continued

99mTc-Exorphin-glucuronide in tumor diagnosis: Preparation and biodistribution studies in rats. Ertay T., Ünak P. , Ozdoğan O., Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Zihnioglu F., Medine E. İ. , et al. Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry, cilt.269, ss.21-28, 2006 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

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99mTc-Exorphin-glucuronide in tumor diagnosis: Preparation and biodistribution studies in rats. Ertay T., Ünak P. , Ozdoğan O., Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Zihnioglu F., Medine E. İ. , et al. Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry, cilt.269, ss.21-28, 2006 (SCI … Continued

Relation between cyclooxgenase-2 expression and clinicopathologic parameters and patient prognosis in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder

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Relation between cyclooxgenase-2 expression and clinicopathologic parameters and patient prognosis in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder Author: ÖZDEMİR SERHAT GÜROCAK Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tevfik Sinan SÖZEN Specialization in Medicine Thesis YÖK Thesis Center Thesis No: 164421 Subject: Urology

17. Avcıbaşı, U., Ünak, T., Yıldırım, Y. Radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretli fenolftalein-glukuonid’in rat’lar üzerindeki biyodağılım çalışmaları, 19. Ulusal Kimya Kongesi, 30 Eylül-04 Ekim 2005, Kuşadası

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17. Avcıbaşı, U., Ünak, T., Yıldırım, Y. Radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretli fenolftalein-glukuonid’in rat’lar üzerindeki biyodağılım çalışmaları, 19. Ulusal Kimya Kongesi, 30 Eylül-04 Ekim 2005, Kuşadası Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI 19. Ulusal Kimya Kongesi,Kuşadası

14. Avcibasi, U., Dincalp, H., Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, N., Duman, Y., Icli, S. Preliminary tests of the radiopharmaceutical potential of N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-N`-(4pyridyl)-perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide radiolabeled with iodine-131, 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey.

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14. Avcibasi, U., Dincalp, H., Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, N., Duman, Y., Icli, S. Preliminary tests of the radiopharmaceutical potential of N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-N`-(4pyridyl)-perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide radiolabeled with iodine-131, 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey. Prof. Dr. … Continued