The evaluation of urine activity and external dose rate from patients receiving radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer

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The evaluation of urine activity and external dose rate from patients receiving radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer MUSTAFA DEMİR,YASEMİN PARLAK,İFFET ÇAVDAR,NAMİ YEYİN,HANDAN TANYILDIZI KÖKKÜLÜNK,FİKRİYE GÜL GÜMÜŞER,BEDRİYE ELVAN BİLGİN,FERAH SERAP EREEŞ,HALUK BURÇAK SAYMAN , Yayın Yeri:Radiation Protection Dosimetry , 2013 Prof. … Continued

Gastric emptying of solids and its relationship with microalbuminuria in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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Gastric emptying of solids and its relationship with microalbuminuria in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus BETÜL ERSOY,BEDRİYE ELVAN BİLGİN,S CAN,V URK,DİLEK BATOK,MUZAFFER POLAT , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Diabetes , 2013 Prof. Dr. Elvan Sayit BİLGİN Journal of … Continued

Soil gas radon concentrationsmeasurements in terms of great soil groups İÇHEDEFM.,SAÇM.M. ,CAMGÖZB.,BOLCAM.,HARMANŞAHC. JOURNALOF ENVIRONMENTALRADIOACTIVITY,vol.126,pp.165-171,2013 (Journal Indexed inSCI)

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Soil gas radon concentrationsmeasurements in terms of great soil groups İÇHEDEFM.,SAÇM.M. ,CAMGÖZB.,BOLCAM.,HARMANŞAHC. JOURNALOF ENVIRONMENTALRADIOACTIVITY,vol.126,pp.165-171,2013 (Journal Indexed inSCI) Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Coşkun HARMANŞAH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY click to read more

Multidisipliner Yaklaşımla Kemik Ve Yumuşak Doku Tümörleri

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Multidisipliner Yaklaşımla Kemik Ve Yumuşak Doku Tümörleri Chapter:Malign Yumuşak Doku Tümörleri/ Yumuşak Doku Sarkomlarında Kemoterapi Uygulamaları, ERDOĞAN ATİKE PINAR,SEZGİN VELİDDİN CANFEZA, Editor:Prof. Dr. Nevzat Dabak, Volume:1, ISBN:978-605-86172-5-4, Pages:383 -390 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Atike Pınar ERDOĞAN BAYT Bilimsel Araştırmalar basın Yayın ve … Continued