Manyetik poli(HEMA-APH) nanopartiküllerin sentezlenmesi, radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretlenmesi ve radyofarmasötik potansiyelinin incelenmesi Synthesizing, radiolabeling and investigation of radiopharmaceutical potential of magnetic poly(HEMA-APH) nanoparticles with iodine-131

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Manyetik poli(HEMA-APH) nanopartiküllerin sentezlenmesi, radyoaktif iyod-131 ile işaretlenmesi ve radyofarmasötik potansiyelinin incelenmesi Synthesizing, radiolabeling and investigation of radiopharmaceutical potential of magnetic poly(HEMA-APH) nanoparticles with iodine-131 Author: HİLMİ ARKUT AKALIN Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI Master Thesis YÖK Thesis Center Thesis … Continued

4. Uzaras, C., Avcıbaşı, U., Müftüler, FZB, Ünak, P., Medine, Eİ, Kılçar, AY. Radyoaktif 131I İle İşaretli Fenitoin’in (131I-Fenitoin) Radyokromatografik Yöntemle İncelenmesi, Kromatografi 2013, 19-22 Haziran 2013, Bursa.

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4. Uzaras, C., Avcıbaşı, U., Müftüler, FZB, Ünak, P., Medine, Eİ, Kılçar, AY. Radyoaktif 131I İle İşaretli Fenitoin’in (131I-Fenitoin) Radyokromatografik Yöntemle İncelenmesi, Kromatografi 2013, 19-22 Haziran 2013, Bursa. Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI Kromatografi 2013, 19-22 Haziran 2013, Bursa.

Ediz, M., Avcıbaşı, U., Ünak, P., Müftüler, FZB., Medine, Eİ., Kılçar, AY., Demiroğlu, H., Gümüşer, FG., Sakarya, S. Investigation of therapeutic efficiency of bleomycin (BLM) and bleomycin-glucuronide (BLMGLU) labeled with 131I on the cancer cell lines, Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2013;28(94):310-319.

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Ediz, M., Avcıbaşı, U., Ünak, P., Müftüler, FZB., Medine, Eİ., Kılçar, AY., Demiroğlu, H., Gümüşer, FG., Sakarya, S. Investigation of therapeutic efficiency of bleomycin (BLM) and bleomycin-glucuronide (BLMGLU) labeled with 131I on the cancer cell lines, Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, … Continued

Avcıbaşı, U., Demiroğlu, H., Ediz, M., Akalın, HA., Özçalışkan, E., Şenay, H., Türkcan, C., Özcan, Y., Akgöl, S., Avcıbaşı, N. Radiolabeling of new generation magnetic-poly(HEMAMAPA) nanoparticles with 131I and preliminary investigation of its radiopharmaceutical potential using Albino Wistar rats, Journal of Labeled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2013;56(14):708-716

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Avcıbaşı, U., Demiroğlu, H., Ediz, M., Akalın, HA., Özçalışkan, E., Şenay, H., Türkcan, C., Özcan, Y., Akgöl, S., Avcıbaşı, N. Radiolabeling of new generation magnetic-poly(HEMAMAPA) nanoparticles with 131I and preliminary investigation of its radiopharmaceutical potential using Albino Wistar rats, Journal … Continued

Avcıbaşı, U., Avcıbaşı, N., Akalın, HA., Ediz, M., Demiroğlu, H., Gümüşer, FG., Özçalışkan, E., Türkcan, C., Uygun, DA., Akgöl, S. Synthesis and biodistribution of novel magnetic poly(HEMA-APH) nanopolymer radiolabeled with iodine-131 and investigation its fate in vivo for cancer therapy, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013;15(10):2021

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Avcıbaşı, U., Avcıbaşı, N., Akalın, HA., Ediz, M., Demiroğlu, H., Gümüşer, FG., Özçalışkan, E., Türkcan, C., Uygun, DA., Akgöl, S. Synthesis and biodistribution of novel magnetic poly(HEMA-APH) nanopolymer radiolabeled with iodine-131 and investigation its fate in vivo for cancer therapy, … Continued

Investigation of Therapeutic Efficiency of Bleomycin and Bleomycin Glucuronide Labeled with sup 131 sup I on the Cancer Cell Lines title

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Investigation of Therapeutic Efficiency of Bleomycin and Bleomycin Glucuronide Labeled with sup 131 sup I on the Cancer Cell Lines title UĞUR AVCIBAŞI, NESİBE AVCIBAŞI, hilmi arkut akalın, Melis Ediz ,HASAN DEMİROĞLU, FİKRİYE GÜL GÜMÜŞER, Emir Özçalışkan, Ceren Türkcan, DENİZ … Continued