Radyoişaretli indole-3-carbinol ve PLGA ile enkapsüle edilmiş indole-3-carbinol bileşiklerinin antikanserojenik etkilerinin in vitro yöntemlerle incelenmesi Investigation of anticancerogenic effects of radiolabeled indole-3-carbinol and PLGA encapsulated indole-3carbinol compounds utilizing in vitro methods

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Radyoişaretli indole-3-carbinol ve PLGA ile enkapsüle edilmiş indole-3-carbinol bileşiklerinin antikanserojenik etkilerinin in vitro yöntemlerle incelenmesi Investigation of anticancerogenic effects of radiolabeled indole-3-carbinol and PLGA encapsulated indole-3carbinol compounds utilizing in vitro methods Author: GÖRKEM YILDIZ Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fazilet Zümrüt BİBER … Continued

131I Labeled Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesis Labeling with 131I and in vitro uptake Studies on U 87 Mg Cells KOZGUŞ GÜLDÜ Ö. , TEKİN V., ÜNAK P. , MEDİNE E. İ. , BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , CANAN Ö., et al. 17th ISORBE Congress, 4 – 08 Mart 2015

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131I Labeled Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesis Labeling with 131I and in vitro uptake Studies on U 87 Mg Cells KOZGUŞ GÜLDÜ Ö. , TEKİN V., ÜNAK P. , MEDİNE E. İ. , BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , CANAN Ö., et … Continued

Plant Origin Radiolabeled Compounds and Their Biological Affinities BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , YURT KILÇAR A. , ÜNAK P. The Second Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation (CRIPU) and 11th Cyclotron Research Workshop (Cycleur), Tunus, 25 – 28 Mart 2015

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Plant Origin Radiolabeled Compounds and Their Biological Affinities BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , YURT KILÇAR A. , ÜNAK P. The Second Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation (CRIPU) and 11th Cyclotron Research Workshop (Cycleur), Tunus, 25 – 28 Mart 2015 … Continued

In Vitro Evaluation of Promising Novel Brain Agents BIOQUIN HMPAO BH and PLGA Encapsulated BH BH PLGA Nanocapsules YURT KILÇAR A. , BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , TEKİN V. Third International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD-2015), KARADAĞ, 8 – 12 Haziran 2015

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In Vitro Evaluation of Promising Novel Brain Agents BIOQUIN HMPAO BH and PLGA Encapsulated BH BH PLGA Nanocapsules YURT KILÇAR A. , BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , TEKİN V. Third International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of … Continued

Alzheimer Teşhis Potansiyeline Sahip Olabilecek 99mTc Bioquin HMPAO Sentezi YURT KILÇAR A. , BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , ENGİNAR H., MEDİNE E. İ. , TEKİN V., ÜNAK P. 27. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 23 – 28 Ağustos 2015

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Alzheimer Teşhis Potansiyeline Sahip Olabilecek 99mTc Bioquin HMPAO Sentezi YURT KILÇAR A. , BİBER MÜFTÜLER F. Z. , ENGİNAR H., MEDİNE E. İ. , TEKİN V., ÜNAK P. 27. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 23 – 28 Ağustos 2015 Prof. … Continued