Kanser tedavisinde ve moleküler görüntülemede kullanılması için sentezlenen radyoaktif işaretli yeni bir aşı polimerininin albino wistar sıçanlar üzerinde radyofarmasötik potansiyelinin incelenmesi Investigation of radiopharmaceutic potential of a new radiolabeled graft polymer for using in the therapy and in the molecular imaging on albino wistar rats

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Kanser tedavisinde ve moleküler görüntülemede kullanılması için sentezlenen radyoaktif işaretli yeni bir aşı polimerininin albino wistar sıçanlar üzerinde radyofarmasötik potansiyelinin incelenmesi Investigation of radiopharmaceutic potential of a new radiolabeled graft polymer for using in the therapy and in the molecular … Continued

Tc-99m ile işaretli whey proteinin biyodağılımının deney hayvanları üzerinde incelenmesi Biodistribution of whey protein labaled with Tc-99m on the experimental animals

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Tc-99m ile işaretli whey proteinin biyodağılımının deney hayvanları üzerinde incelenmesi Biodistribution of whey protein labaled with Tc-99m on the experimental animals Author: MERT AKINLI Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI Master Thesis YÖK Thesis Center Thesis No: 510659 Subject: Chemistry, Radiology … Continued

2. Radiosynthesis and Biodistribution of 99mTc-Trimethoprim: A Novel Radiolabeled Antibiotic for Bacterial Infection Imaging Using Experimental Animals

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2. Radiosynthesis and Biodistribution of 99mTc-Trimethoprim: A Novel Radiolabeled Antibiotic for Bacterial Infection Imaging Using Experimental Animals Hasan DEMİROĞLU, Gökçen TOPAL, Yasemin PARLAK, Fikriye Gül GÜMÜŞER, Elgin ULUER TÜRKÖZ, Volkan TEKİN, Buket ATEŞ, PERİHAN ÜNAK , UĞUR AVCIBAŞI Kafkas Üniversitesi … Continued

Suvmax values calculated by tumor tracking method in patients with breast cancer and pathological tumor-stroma ratio correlation

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Suvmax values calculated by tumor tracking method in patients with breast cancer and pathological tumor-stroma ratio correlation Author: FATMA ESRA ATEŞ KAHYA Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fikriye Gül GÜMÜŞER Specialization in Medicine Thesis YÖK Thesis Center Thesis No: 503885 Subject: Radiology … Continued

Biodistribution of whey protein labeled with Tc-99m on the experimental animals

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Biodistribution of whey protein labeled with Tc-99m on the experimental animals UĞUR AVCIBAŞI, Mert Akınlı, Volkan Tekin, FAZİLET ZÜMRÜT BİBER MÜFTÜLER, Gökçen Topal ,FİKRİYE GÜL GÜMÜŞER,Buket Ateş Prof. Dr. Fikriye Gül GÜMÜŞER IV. International Ege Composite Materials Symposium(KOMPEGE 2018) click … Continued

Bone mineral density, vitamin D status, and calcium intake in healthy female university students from different socioeconomic groups in Turkey

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Bone mineral density, vitamin D status, and calcium intake in healthy female university students from different socioeconomic groups in Turkey BETÜL ERSOY, Deniz Özalp Kizilay, Seniha Kiremitci Yilmaz ,FATMA TANELİ, FİKRİYE GÜL GÜMÜŞER Prof. Dr. Fikriye Gül GÜMÜŞER Archives of … Continued

Chromosome abnormalities in Meristematic Cells of Root Tips of Vicia faba L. after the different treatments of 18F-FDG and Statistical Comparative

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Chromosome abnormalities in Meristematic Cells of Root Tips of Vicia faba L. after the different treatments of 18F-FDG and Statistical Comparative didem göksoy, YASEMİN PARLAK ,BAHATTİN BOZDAĞ, ALİ ÖZDEMİR, AHMET MUTLU, FİKRİYE GÜL GÜMÜŞER, BEDRİYE ELVAN BİLGİN ,CANAN ÖZDEMİR Prof. … Continued