12. Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Biber, Z., Duman, Y., Ünak, P. Comparison of the radiopharmaceutical potentials of radiolabeled dithizone with 131I and 99mTc, 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey.

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12. Ünak, T., Yildirim, Y., Avcibasi, U., Biber, Z., Duman, Y., Ünak, P. Comparison of the radiopharmaceutical potentials of radiolabeled dithizone with 131I and 99mTc, 1st International Nuclear Chemistry Congress (1st-INCC), 22-29 May 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey.

Prof. Dr. Uğur AVCIBAŞI

Kusadasi, Turkey.