A novel anti-angiogenic radio/photo sensitizer for prostate cancer imaging and therapy: Zr-89-Pt@TiO2-SPHINX, synthesis and in vitro evaluation

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A novel anti-angiogenic radio/photo sensitizer for prostate cancer imaging and therapy: Zr-89-Pt@TiO2-SPHINX, synthesis and in vitro evaluation
Tekin V., Aweda T., Kozguş Güldü Ö. , Biber Müftüler F. Z. , Bartels J., Lapi S. E. , et al.
NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, cilt.94-95, ss.20-31, 2021 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Prof. Dr. Fazilet Zümrüt BİBER MÜFTÜLER


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